By the time she went to bed it was still(on new thermometer) 101.
This morning woke to normal temp and tude only to have it return come 4pm. What is up with that?! A fever that goes away for about 12hrs then comes back?!?!
This little person has been nothing but whines and cries and bad tudes but then again he IS going to be 3 in 4 days..... :) Gosh I love him soooooooooo
OR....he is going to be sportin a fever of 101 with no known origins when he turns 3 that will go away and return 12 hrs later. :(
I hope not ! and also, I hope that this whinyness isn't a new 3 year old trend. although you have several older children and know all too well that this is...all about being 3 and will last longer than 12 hrs. :(
Ok K, your talking straight to my heart here!! I can't stand the "toddler" whiny stage!! can't can't can't stand it and it's been going on for months and I know I have months more of it!!!!!!!!
On another note I think he already had this fever only I didn't realize it because he didn't get the flushed cheeks that my kiddo's are known for.. One day last week he spent over an hour laying on the couch and the T.V. wasn't on! I almost freaked out, if he's not moving and getting into trouble then he must be sleeping, NOT just laying and doing NOTHING!!
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