Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Age doesn't matter:)

I have learned 1 VERY important thing over the past 2days. Even though your awesome new puppy may be 7months old when you get her, it doesn't mean that she is house broke like a 7month old:( After 2wks of thinking she has been adjusting awesome, only 2 accidents in the house(easy to clean up ones) that familiar smell began to seep from Isaac& Norah's room and then yesterday as i was laying little man down for a nap she shows me how NOT housebroken she is!!!!!!:(

We are now back to "housebreaking" a puppy, only this one is smart has better bladder control and has already began to catch on to the bell, yes i said bell and it does indeed work awesome! Here is to no more accidents in the house and to finding a cheap rug cleaning place:) I don't want to trash a NEW just few months old rug:(

The little man yesterday morning. He sooo wants to be crawling. Why is it that you say "hi buddy, big smile" and the dog thinks you want her in the picture???? The last 1 or 2 not sure what blogger will show are of the little guy just before bed!!

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