It is NOT up to me, so as a final desperate measure we went and picked a fabric to cover the front to keep it alive. It's still the same blanket inside is what I keep telling her, not that she believes me or is comforted by it....
Once I get the new front on I'll take a pic to share.......
That is the result of a lot of love girl.
Hope she'll accept it back into the nest after you're done. :) Good luck.
We have a blankie like that. I have to sneak it away from her to wash it! I'm sure she will take it to college even. ha ha
Amy: we are past the sneaking with this child, the youngest we still must sneak.....
When at the fabric store the woman(who was in no way old enough for a 17yr old) told me that she had to keep adding on to make it bigger as the child grew and now said child keeps it in her pillow case to have it with her but will probably never get rid of it, she is after all 17...
K: so much love, so very much love! It's just this past year she's actually kept something on her besides this one for warmth!! I think it will be ok, she did pick out the fabric.............*fingers crossed*
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