4am, I woke up to a Thunderstorm and contractions......stayed in bed for a few of them to see, yup this is it I think................
4:30 went downstairs got in the shower...............................
about 5am sat in her room in the glider rocker
5:30 called my best friend(knew she'd be awake) Think today is the day I tell her:)
back into glider...................................
6-6:30 wake up Chris "Honey, I think you need to go to work now and do what you gotta get done cuz I'm in labor"
He leaves and I go downstairs and watch some tv
7:30 call the Dr.s office and tell them I've been in labor since about 4am, they want me to come in and get checked at 9 if things stay the same. OK
Chris calls shortly after and I tell him what they say.
Chris shows up about 8-8:30. I can tell he's quietly freaking out but trying not to show it......
I get up and start to pack a bag and get ready to go........................
WOW the more I'm walking around the harder they seem to be getting..... starting to take my breath away a little but try not to tell Chris(I can see a little panic in his eyes:))
By the time we leave the house I must stop and bend over with each one..hmmmmm starting to get REAL familiar.........
Get to the Dr.s office and me being me try to keep them from coming so people can't see the amount of pain I'm in........
Nurse I've NEVER seen calls me back and wants to check my weight! SERIOUSLY!! I don't let her and then MY nurse see's me and KNOWS and comes right over, Janet get in the room, how long you been like this she asks me, well just a bit now...... Go figure there is no doctor in as of yet, I was early.
She looks at me, do I need to prep the room for a delivery??? I just look at her.....
Dr shows up and checks............Well Janet off you go to the hospital your at a good 6, I'll let them know your coming..............
Chris is now officially freaking but still quiet and we get on the highway going in THE WRONG DIRECTION away from the hospital.....honey, you gotta turn around, keep in mind that it's POURING rain outside.............
He gets off and back on a few minutes later and lets just say I can no longer keep quiet or in my seat correctly, I'm on my knees on the floor of the front seat PRAYING that she stays put.........He can't handle this, I kept telling god, he just can't, he's freaking out....
We get to the hospital, Chris pulls in the WRONG way. Looks at me "I gotta turn around" he tells me. NOT with me in the car I tell him.......... I wander, in a barely able to see daze, into the hospital and spy a wheelchair and a person in scrubs holding onto it....
I sit and tell her to get me up to floor 9!! She looks at the front desk, can I do that she asks? I tell her YES YOU CAN THEY KNOW I'M COMING!!!!
She tell me in the elevator that this is a first for her she just usually wheels patients out to their car...............
I QUIETLY(hehe) announce my arrival as the doors open and they get me in a room. I immediately take off my cloths and get into bed while the nurse is just looking at me and trying to check me in, I tell her she doesn't have time.................
They check me and say she's past 8 bulging bag o waters....... and then they leave me to go get a Dr.
No Dr. yet but nurse comes back(Chris got off elevator and just followed my yelling he tells me) I look at nurse and tell her she's coming now!
Nurse says no not yet, so I look ever so nicely back at nurse and say "IT FEELS LIKE I'M GOING TO POOP"!(thanks to big sister for telling me that so i could get them on the move) That nurse ran.........................
Dr. walks in and tells me to wait while he gets gown on, I tell Dr. why don't you try and there she is..........................
9:57am Norah (minus the middle) Carpenter 7lb 2oz and I think 20in long, perfect and beautiful in every way..............
THEN I get a call over the speaker,(literally 5min later) the patients mom is here and would like to come in they tell me...........
Um you have the wrong room, No one knows I'm here yet..........
THEN I hear her, you tell my child I'm here (yup, my mother alright) but how in the heck, I called no one but the best friend?????????????????????
Oh she was driving by the hospital and her gut clenched and she just knew!!
I can't believe you remember all the timed details like that... I kept waiting for my debut to arrive in the story..... then I had to remind myself... Oh wait, wrong kid... I was Isaac!LOLOLOL I didn't know that about mom, you never told me????? Why would she just be "randomly" driving past the hospital... I think Lori called her!!!!
What a GREAT birth story. I can't imagine the pain...I'm so glad it went fast.
Have all of your deliveries since been fast ones ?
K pretty much. This last one though I had a mental block from the one before without even really knowing it and was having contractions that brought me to my knees (I swore i was at 6) and they told me I was only to 1. THAT sucked so I thought I'd give an epidural a try and that worked for about 1hr then it was gone and I was back into natural childbirth only I wasn't allowed to move(stupid jerks) and they wouldn't break my water which if they'd listen to the woman having her 4th child they should have, would have saved me 5HOURS of labor!
Dusty, Lori didn't call her, she had a Dr. apt just past the hospital that am and said as she was driving home........
I think she called every day that week to see if i was admitted yet or not.
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