Thursday, March 25, 2010

The big 2 and soccer brrrrrrrrrrrr

The little man loves Nemo, Nemo on ice not so much "scary" "no like dark"! Real nice lesson to learn the first time you ever take your kids to a Disney on ice adventure... ANYWAY............................................................

Happy Birthday Ari, I sure do love you....
your still my favorite **shhhhhhhhh** don't tell anyone ;-)


Dusty/333 said...

That was so wrong and I'm tellin!!! No favorites:) I loved his cupcakes. That seems like a large amount of them for not having anyone over??? Are you sharing with us at drop off tomorrow? Love you R E M

WOWZIE look it there... I actually posted something first before KJ! That's a first for sure!

Janet's page said...

I wasn't expecting it to be soooo stinkin big!!