3 Days ago I was at a birthday party with Norah where I knew Mom and birthday girl.. Lots of family and family friends were there...
It was at the local YMCA....
Coming down the stairs I thought I was at the bottom.............I was not and ended up "twisting" my ankle.. NOW I probably would have gone down had I not been surrounded by strangers, so I played it off like all was fine but KNEW that it really wasn't.. I did hear "bubble wrap" as it happened and I've never heard that before.
Then about an hour later I had to take off my boot and sock to go into the pool area to watch Norah because she doesn't know how to swim...
I kinda freaked out a bit at the sight before me..it was in fact a "potato".. Then I had to put both sock and boot back on (remember strangers)**almost cried**
walking back to the party room I heard one more "pop" and thought well that wasn't good.......
Mom and sister hooked me up with some crutches and a "boot" so I could get around but if you look in this house you can tell "mom's been out of commission" (ha, poor big kids are out of clean cloths)
Anyway yesterday after resting it during nap time I forgot I had taken boot off and walked to the bathroom. I felt what I can only describe as "crinkly"...not sure what that was but it gave me some shooting pain behind my ankle and a little up my calf......
So long story short, I'm not as young as I used to be, DANGIT!!

As long as I wear my sexy hose and the "boot" I can walk pretty good and just feel really sore.......... I suppose running's out eh?!?!?!?!