The boy is officially "house trained" :)
Even during night time. He was told that if the diapers were dry every morning thru dad's vacation we would try undies at night.. Soo Starting this past week Tuesday he's been all undies all the time and zero accidents... woo hoo, 10 years of diapers is DONE!!! Let's move on.................
Night time too ! You are amazing.
I have 3 in pull ups at night. 1 wakes up wet 100 % of the time. the other wakes up wet 77% of the time :)
The other one I just put in them because I'm scared he'll pee and he's usually in my bed. sooooo. better to be safe than sorry.
Thank you my dear! I am as thrilled you are for me :)
This is awesome! Doesn't it feel so good? It's amazing how liberating it is to have NO ONE in diapers. Congrats!!!
Congratulations! There is hope!
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