This is the 4.80 dress that we found. She loves it and I love that the ladybugs are pockets...
First off you should know that in our home the dogs are NOT allowed on the furniture! This is non-negotiable..
With that said I give you the next picture:
after I took this cute picture, she was told to remove the dog from the chair :)
When Isaac was 6 (i think) is when we found out we were expecting Ian, I started saving cloths....
This huge blue bin is full of all the cloths I've saved for Ari...........
This is all the cloths I've save for Ari since filling that above mentioned bin...... Now to figure out how to get the cloths from the table into the bin....hmmmmmmm
Did I mention I purchased for a mere $5.00 the book Simplicity Parenting and since starting this book(that I love) I have been "going thru things" to say the least... I really feel overwhelmed every-single-day of every-single-week of every-waking-hour when I'm in this house!! I have been for a LOOONNNNGGGG time and it's not doing my health any good!!
I'm going to do my best over the next few weeks here to GET RID OF STUFF!!!!!!!
Cute ! 4.80. even cuter :)
WAY to save. We have been lucky to save as well. We have a storage room full of those blue damn buckets :)
I think I may need to read that book. I'll have to check out Amazon. I also feel overwhelmed every day. And part of it is all the stuff that a family of 8 accumulates. IT would be nice to get rid of a bunch.
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