This was my one splurge item. If you can call it a splurge, it was something like 33. bucks. Anyway Norah obviously has a love for all things horse but especially the white horse! I tried forever to find a white stuffed horse at the size that I wanted to get for her for christmas, thought I found it but no they were out! We setteled on a paint horse named cloud dancer(you can see her in the before pic of her room) But she has still longed for a white horse something! "mom did you find a white horse to stick on my walls" nope! Couldn't find it anywhere.... THEN this past Saturday morning I was cruzing the web and low and behold...................

The fact that when I saw it I didn't have to cry and move on because of the price had me SUPER DUPER excited!
She will be coming home from school today to this! I also think it's a shame that I need to put the doorknob back on!!!
I think I may need to keep the camera on standby for an immediately after picture :) Honestly I think she may even cry or at the very least scream and try to hug her door..
I can't wait to see her face when she see's it!
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