I was driving home from that apt at 11:45am actually when I felt the first contraction!(I KNOW) and they continued and I ignored them, I was alone with 2 kids and it was a work day........
At QT I decided to see if this was in fact real and layed down on the couch. Contractions didn't stop, slowed maybe but didn't stop.....
I think it was around 4ish that I called my sister and asked if she maybe would want to come over and take a couple big kids to her house..
I think it was around 6 when we made the decision to go to the hospital, the contractions were getting MUCH harder and I knew that I was in active labor because I was unable to talk during them. Could hardly stand actually during them, bent over or kinda squatting was how intense they were..
Gowned up and in comes a nurse or someone with scrubs(who really cares at this point just want a baby out), my history equaled prompt service... :)
I was checked and to my surprise and horror I was at 1!! I am no novice to natural childbirth and KNEW I should be farther along than that!!
I decided to try an epidural, see what those are all about, would probably get one and shoot right up to 7-8.....
See my head was so screwed up from the previous "birth" that my body wasn't able to "due" what came natural to it.......
The epidural worked for all of maybe an hour or 2 and then was gone, well on one side anyway, then all together as far as I was concerned.
The nurse that waked in after said crappy epidural was no longer working was the same nurse that I had the year before. Colleen was her name I think. She was an early to mid 50's nurse that knew her stuff...
When she came in I told her "hey I remember you from last May" Really she say's "yup you were the nurse to come in and give me an IV after I fired the one who tried first. I delivered a stillborn little man.
Here's where it gets interesting(to me anyway) She say's "yup, now I do remember you" "You know what, tonight was my night off but I came in to help with the phone's because it's such a crazy night"
After that she NEVER left my side. At one point I looked at her and said, I think I'm in transition?! She says yup I think you are to honey and your doing great!
"you tell all the girls that I'm sure" Apparently she does NOT tell all the laboring girls that :-)
5 HOURS after begging someone, anyone to break my water so I could have this baby already I hear MY doc outside my door.....
She laughs and comes in and does just that. THEN wouldn't you know it 2 immediate pushes later I have a baby...
This is when I realize just how screwed up my mind really is because I bust out in tears(never did that before) and my head says, "it's not right, he's the wrong color, he's not moving, or crying, this can't be happening" While I'm saying this in my head I hear my blessing of a nurse say "Janet, look at this baby you worked so hard for, he's perfect"!!!!
AND I'm crying as I type this, it was such an emotional time..........
Oh and Chris was there for just about all of it :) He was just a "silent" partner...
Happy Birthday Ari Maxim, what a blessing you are!!!
How do I not know about your still birth story ? Did you blog about it ?
I'm so sorry.
What a great story with a beautifully healthy and happy ending. :)
Happy Birthday little dude.
First off K, how do you even have your head on straight let alone remember stuff that happens to other peeps, in a different state?!?!?!?!
Second, I'm not sure I was blogging then? I have however posted on my "delivery day" the past few years. I just don't think you remember is all and that's totally ok with me:)
Do you have the link to that post so that I can read and remember ?
Oh and who says my heads on straight ?
If it is...it's the only thing :)
thanks for sharing that, it was emotional and a nice story!
KJ, I don't know how to do links. I looked back last night and the first place i see it is May24,09
Ernie, thanks lady, you were pretty great when that all happened:)
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