To say that I underestimated the project that lay before me would in itself be an understatement. I have basically lived in Norah's room since Friday and it's not finished yet. Turns out it's much harder and takes much longer to try to do things right and not rush the drying process,even if everything takes 2 coats of paint, and aprox. 2.5hours to do a room full of lines. Only to have to do them again....
BUT had I known I probably wouldn't have started or at the very least attempted the detail of this undertaking...
In the meantime I leave you with a small glimpse. (remember wood and the lines on them are flawed:))
I am also SUPER DUPER proud of some of the things I've done here in this room ALL BY MYSELF!!!
SUCH a tease. and it's looking GREAT !
Can't wait to see the finished project.
I can't wait to finish it! K I sent you an email the other night, so excited to see how you get ahold of you, then never heard back"( I did get it figured out though :)
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