Now with myself being sick off and on for most of the past 4months I have gotten VERY out of shape VERY quickly! (I'm sure it doesn't help that I kept my eating habits the same:))
Now for the past few weeks I've been feeling pretty good(I'm sure upping my meds helped a little too) and I've been getting back into the swing of things for myself. I'm working out again and out with the dog walking at night. Were trying to get ourselves back into running, I think we both feel a lot better when we get out... Well as you know it's winter and really no fun to go out without any GOOD traction(Frank urinated on my winter walking boots). My "play in the snow boots" really don't have much so I've been shopping around for something to put on my shoes/boots so that I can go out with confidence...
I found them and found a great deal! According to the comments and reviews these are suppose to be awesome... They came in the mail a few days ago. Last night I was able to try them out for the first time. I even wore my running shoes(just in case)...
I AM IN LOVE, this has to be the single best running/walking wintertime investment I have ever made. I ran and walked and it didn't matter if it was uphill, downhill,rounding corners, lots of snow, barely any snow, ice, slush, whatever, they hugged me to the road like it was July and a drought!!! I am so motivated to get my butt out there and get rid of these new found bulges that have rounded up all over the place... It will be no time before I'm back to what I was if not even better!!!
Yes, but do they keep your body warm and lips moist. I need some shoes like that. :)
Good for you !
No they don't to that dear, that's what chapstick and long underwear are for. Silly silly lady:)
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