Thursday, December 16, 2010

beaten to a pulp!

Dear face, or more correctly left side of face including eye socket and brow: REALLY, you still feel the need to torment me?! I've even started to give you antibiotic's(3 doses) and yet you plague my sleepless nights and ruin my days.... I can't do much more of this while still trying to parent in some capacity...............


K J and the kids said...

Sorry you are still having problems. I hope you get feeling better soon.

K J and the kids said...

P.S what the hells wrong with your face ?

Janet's page said...

Sinus pressure is about to undo me!! Never had it like this before!! I can't even tell you the last time that "I" had a sinus infection... I mean I had to call in sick to work, the last time I did that was at least 4yrs ago, I don't call in.....