Friday, November 5, 2010

You know I've always said that the stupid little.........I mean that sweet little dog that Isaac loves could eat paper and would grow and thrive that's how much she cares about what goes in her mouth........ Honestly today confirmed that she shares a kin-ship with my youngest! First I caught him dipping and swirling his breadstick in his juice before eating it and then looked over saying "what's that noise" only to find the little sh#! dog eating the brand new box containing SOS pads!!!



K J and the kids said...

ya, that's a pretty dumb dog.
At least he doesn't eat his own shit.
I've never understood that.

Janet's page said...

K, lets not ever go there again except to say that it's actually a normal dog thing= clean up the den(living space) to keep scents to other dogs down... or just boredom......

Dusty/333 said...

WAIT!!! Role playing with the kids and KJ and the kids are the same blog...? man I'm slow... I Soooo followed, read, fell on their blog WAY before you did... How'd ya'll get to be best friends:)

Janet's page said...

it's arguable that you fell and began reading LONG before I did, however I don't know that I would say we are "best friends" seeing that she still hasn't given me her email(that I've asked for f-o-r-e-v-e-r) and we've never actually met IRL:) BUT I would have to say that we would get along famously if we did ever meet and hang out together!! :)