This is a little view(what I could get of it) of what my every day Monday thru Friday looks like. All together it takes approx.30 min. from start of wait to getting home with kids........
I wanted a picture from the top of the hill going down but if I had stopped I woulda caused an accident I'm sure! :)
Plus there is always tomorrow, hehe

There has to be an easier way.
It really works well actually, there is just A LOT of students(Y5-8th) The first 2 lanes closest to the curb(far right) are for Y5-2 pick-up or if your youngest child is in that grade range, then if your 3-8th you go in the 3rd lane or farthest out in picture. There is an awesome teacher who stands at the "line" entrance of school and directs the 3 lanes depending on who's turn(older grades go past her to pick up their child) and then there are teachers throughout who keep the traffic under control and we all have a sign of the Teacher name and the last name of the child. (I made my own that says last nameX2) and they will group children from same home together and then bring your child/children to you...
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