Apparently the entire town thought the same thing and we had to wait in a LONG line for about 45min. just to get to the start of the trunks :-( Not the best experience if you ask me so we may end up going down one or 2 streets tonight, not sure yet :)
I will say I had the cutest costumed kids there!!!!!
Love it. The rhino is awesome.
Sorry the wait sucked....but be glad you can go tonight. We live in yewtaw, so thars no tricker treatin' here on Sunday.
Ya K some of the area's left it up to the sub divisions on weather or not they wanted to do it Sat. or Sun. A LOT did yesterday but here in good ol GR they are doing it tonight :)
We had a trunk or treat too. I like those so much better because they come away with just enough candy, but not too much.
Thanks so much for your nice comments about the show. You honestly made my day, you have no idea:)
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