The best I've gotten so far:(
Have I mentioned on this here blog that Frank is not 3yrs old like we thought but more like 7-8 and he maybe has a year to live..........yes our pet luck stinks.
I took him in over a month ago now because he was limping for over 2wks and it wasn't getting better, oh and he was really tired/lazy too.....
Well we took some pictures of the guy and he not only has severe hip dysplasia in the 1 hip(zero hip socket) but he is very arthritic in both shoulders with a "joint mouse" in the one and the big topper was that his heart IS HUGE!!!!
No wonder he coughs a little just about every day(I just thought it was due to non discrimination of food and not really food items) ***sigh***
Really we don't know for sure and some pets have surprised us(the veterinary community) so we could have longer but after what this family of mine has been thru the past 2yrs with pets.............................................................
****double sigh****
Oh no....the silver lining lucky are those pets. How lucky is Frank to have been able to spend his last couple of years with such a great and loving family. It made all 8-9 worth living.
You make me smile k and get teary too..
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