Oh my gosh people, it has happened!!!!!
This afternoon after school pickup we head to Costco to get my script filled.
While waiting we wander.............................................I'm reading a bag of dog food when I hear Ari crying......
I glance over and I see him flat out on his stomach and Norah is on top of him with a nasty look on her face RIPPING something out of his hand(we have talked FOR YEARS about how instead of doing that, we say "hey mom/dad so in so has my______) and we will take care of it because ripping from hands just doesn't EVER end well....
So once she's up with the "toy" I look at her and say "give me the toy to hold onto"
NASTY face, clutch toy with both hands and mumble nut-uh! I take a step toward her and she takes 5 back....
I then say "Norah you have 2 choices here, you can either give me the toy to hold onto until later OR I will take the toy and throw it away"
Repeat above nasty face sentence...
I start to count 1...........2...............3. Reach for child and toy, to which she runs away, we play that game for all of 2 turns and I end up with toy, what proceeds next is beyond me!!
**let me mention, store is filled with people, FILLED**
Now I must also mention that even though she chose the 2nd option I still put it in my purse and was going to get it out tomorrow........
BACK TO STORY, she proceeds to start to whine and cry while trying to rip my purse off my shoulder as I walk away. I calmly take her hands off my purse and tell her to QUIT touching me like that..... She gets louder and more forceful and actually is now trying to rip my cloths and purse from my body, trying to stop me from walking all the while her crying is escalating......
I then put Ari down and ask Isaac, can you carry him for me bud, I gotta carry her. I pick her up and start to carry her like you would a toddler AND THEN I say something that I know not to, (this sometimes happens to me, I say what I'm thinking) I say "and this is why you and I won't be going to the football game tonight either" as soon as I said this I thought STUPID STUPID WOMAN!
Let me tell you what came next was unimaginable(to me) she proceeded to start kicking and hitting me all over and was screaming hysterically! SERIOUSLY OUT OF A HORROR FLICK, I then put her down smacked her tush for the first time ever HARD and swung her over my shoulder like you would carry a bag of dog food!!
At this point I'm so mortified and embarrassed and humiliated that I make a point of looking back periodically to see Isaac and Ari and smile to them and say hey guys how you doing, like all was normal even though I was carrying a full pitch screaming/kicking the air 5 YEAR OLD GIRL!!!!
We get to the car and after another big ol deal about who was going to buckle her in if she wasn't going to I get on the road for the 20 MINUTE drive home!!! (Oh and I did in fact throw that stupid toy away..consequences) She screamed at me the ENTIRE drive home throwing in "I'm gonna hurt you" and "I'm gonna unbuckle and come up there and hit your head hard" Then at home continues for over 45 minutes and at one point I have to trick her and lock her outside so I can get dinner ready(she couldn't go anywhere but the backyard/driveway area, it's fort knox over here) all she kept doing was headbutting me and trying to push me and hit me so I thought better outside eh?!
I even hear Isaac who is also outside say to her at one point "why don't you just quit"? and she says "I CAN'T QUIT, I WONT QUIT EVER"
5min. after that Ari says "dad's home" and like that she's done!!!!!
(he's not even the mean one, I am)
NOW for the record, I never once spoke to her in the car, she wouldn't have heard me anyway and I never once got mad at her because I knew why this was happening...
I just have to say I was so embarrassed and upset that when I called Chris to tell him we wouldn't be going to the game I started crying, I've never had a Norah fit like that in a store EVER........totally humiliating!!!!!
Oh and they Weren't hungry, I am a thinking mom and made banana bread and had a nice fat piece covered in butter for all 3 kids because we were not going to go home right away....
THE REASON for this fit was I'm sure that she started Kindergarten and I chose the afternoon for scheduling reasons and the fact that we have to get up an hour earlier than we are used to for Isaac to get to the new school on time and that Ari hasn't been a peach and night time for good sleep... I mean really add all that up and your bound to have a volcanic eruption.. It just really stinks that it has to be on a night when my oldest nephew has a football game(he's the starting QB this year) and my cousins are in town from Colorado and they have 2 little cutie patooties (Hannah and Blake) and Blake is just like 6weeks-ish younger than Ari and Hannah just 1yr-ish older than him...... NEVER MIND that I REALLY wanted to be there tonight but the idea of taking an obviously EXHAUSTED child to a football game where she will run around like crazy, eating a ton of junk and staying up hours after her bedtime just didn't sound very appealing!!!
If I was a drinker I would totally be on my second glass of wine at this point but alas..........................