Did I prepare correctly for this day, nope, well actually yes except for battery's... These are all the pictures I was able to get before they died!!! :(
Overall everyone had a great time!! I could have had more fun had I been able to ride A rollercoaster, just 1 at least but I was destined it seems to have a fun day watching a 2yr old have a great time!!!!
I am so amazed by Ari and what and how he did!! It was awesome... He rode EVERY SINGLE RIDE he could! ALL BY HIMSELF!!!!! I was shocked, I know that the older 2 never would have done what he did at their age...... Oh and we spent A LOT of time in the water park area of it......
For being 2yrs old without a nap that boy rocked even with his 2 meltdowns(boy can that child have a meltdown:))
Chris and Isaac AND Norah spent the majority of the day riding roller coasters :-) Turns out Norah wasn't tall enough to ride the majority of them herself but many said she could as long as there was a "responsible person" as some signs said or "responsible parent" as others said and she did. The girl was a fearless coaster rider...
Isaac on the other hand was VERY Leary in the beginning... Actually came back to me from the first one "mom i got to scared once we were there and had to come back" and then I hear that the next one, after the wait and once they were doing the thumbs up to go he says to Chrs "I changed my mind I don't want to now" and Chrs says well it's to late for that buddy..... HE WAS HOOKED after :)
Come to find out, oh about 30min. before we were ready to leave that when we paid to come in we could have had a "parent pass" Which means that one parent waits in line with older kids and that once he's done riding the ride he hands off the "parent pass" to the patiently waiting parent with the toddler and then she could have gone up the exit and gotten on the next coaster going, no wait!!!! NICE, REAL NICE!!
Anyway I'm glad Ari came along and had so much fun and next year when we go we'll be getting a sitter for him and the 4 of us will be going and having a BLAST riding all the rides :)
How fun ! I'm glad that you were able to take him. Next year don't get a babysitter and leave him home...take the babysitter and then you can play with him and leave and he'll still be included.
I only say that because you have one. I'd TOTALLY leave my babies home :) ha ha
K, we did talk about that, bringing a sitter along but that kinda worries me with all the people that clog that place....
I decided I'd be able to have more fun if he was at the grandparents :)
I love Chris coming down the slide? I thought Ari was staying home? Thats what Isaac told me? How come the two of you didn't swap Ari in and out once and a while? Take turns ya know...
That Isaac is a timid fella?!?!?! WTHeck? He wouldn't swim at the beach either!!!
the plan was to swap kids but it never worked out that way... that's ok, it was still lots of fun....
Isaac doesn't like "lake" water, has issues like his mom of fish touching him...
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