Friday, July 30, 2010

Would you believe I forgot my camera! We went to my bestest friend's house and played around on the farm and then decided to go a horsing around..... Ari was able to take his first ride all by himself(yes mom walked him around)just in the arena but still! He was so proud of himself and had so much fun!!!!
You know he falls asleep before we get off the dirt road and when we get home he wakes up and is saying, so fun, so fun, so fun!! I'm thinking he had a good time today:)

Baby Noah is officially 1 and walking, it's so funny, he's so little!!!!

All this wonderful picture worthy stuff and I've got nothing!!!

We have a new dog coming to say with us tomorrow for a week, WE are all really excited to watch 2 pug's play together!!!!
You take the extra money where you can get it right?!?!
Esp. when you really want to be a dog groomer/dog trainer/boarding area person when you grow up:)


K J and the kids said...

aaaaaaah, so the dogs is a job.
I just thought you were SUPER nice and a gluten for punishment. :)

Sure wish you had some pics on a horse to show off. hmm. maybe next time.

Janet's page said...

Yes ma'am gotta make some extra when I can. Family is usually free(like the Brittany) But non family there is a fee and I love that I'm increasing my client list of GOOD dogs :)

I am so totally remembering my camera next time, it was so cute!!