Next time we do this I will totally be taking my friend "K's" advice and getting a waterproof camera, I would have had such awesome pictures if i had :(
We had a great time and the kiddo's did AWESOME, everyone slept in-their-own-beds(bringing along the guardrail totally saved us with little man) and everyone slept in(minus the bad dreams due to overtiredness) until 7 and then 7:40. Can't ask for more than that. Tons of fun and VERY exhausting.... And look home in time for the nice huge winter snow storm, stupid snow!!!!!
We will defiantly need to do the family vacation again, hopefully in less than 8years.
**Oh and I forgot, the little man did find a way to escape on us from our room 2x. Little turd has NO FEAR when it comes to that sorta thing and if the top latch wasn't flipped he was GONE**
The only smile that morning
Happiest when in the hot tub, well just a little in
Thanks for posting pics. It looks like SO much fun. Right now things are still fresh in your mind as to his attitude...but in months and even a few years you won't remember anything but how fun it was at this place to swim and sleep in :)
K, I was just sad that he wasn't "in the mood" for all the fun because I had my camera finally. He had a blast the first 2 days each time we went to the waterpark. I couldn't have expected anything more out of the little guy:)
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