Monday, September 28, 2009

whits end.... hows that

Folks,I'm just at a loss, I really don't know what to do anymore. Norah is just NOT sleeping at night.. She has been doing this for MONTHS!! Getting up at least 1x a night if not 3-4. Lets say that maybe 1night out of every seven she does sleep all night. Occasionally she will be up because of a nightmare, or just plain needs to go potty but more often than not there is no reason and as soon as she hears one of us coming she heads back to bed and doesn't say a word....

This is driving me CRAZY and not just because I'm not getting good sleep but because she NEEDS it, I've always been a mom who makes sure her kids get the proper amount of sleep for them and their age(I want those brains and bones to grow properly) and she's just not getting it...
I know what she wants but that's just not feasible, we can't move our bedroom back upstairs,but she knows that i can hear EVERYTHING because i do....

Some nights she ends up getting mad at us and yelling/screaming and waking up the little man and then everybody is up and NOBODY is happy...

We've gotten frustrated with her, taken away privileges, angry with her and none of it is helping at all and I'm not about to "time out" at 2 or 4 in the morning!!!

Also because of the lack of sleep at night I make sure she takes a nap, but only for 1hour then I wake her up.....

We honestly don't know what to do with her anymore, don't know how to help her which is even more frustrating.....:-(


K J and the kids said...

Syd did the same thing about this age. She slept on the floor next to our bed for 3 months. Does the timing of this have everything to do with when you moved downstairs ?
I know it's hard but getting angry will not work. Understanding and love....and time is all that you can do. Try and ask her what it is she wants and ask her what she could do to that would help her put herself back together.
Good luck.

K J and the kids said...

oh and PS I have a whole blog entry in my head about sleep too.

Janet's page said...

Yes it did start when we moved downstairs. We only tend to get angry these days when she wakes everyone up.....

can't wait to read it...

Dusty/333 said...

Why can't she just lay on the floor next to you with pillow and blanket? Then you don't have to fuss with her at all. If it's b/c you are downstairs then I tend to vote for the "security/safety" side of it. Can you put a blanket and pillow next to Isaacs bed. Let her know ahead of time that if she gets scared she can go lay by him?