Thursday, September 10, 2009

The solo parent thing is defiantly HARD!! It's been long enough that i have forgotten how hard it is but for the next 2wks I'm getting reacquainted with it...... and for some crazy reason i have lost my mind and am having a friends little girl over to play for the day.................................oh ya cuz she's having some tests done at the hospital and you know may have cancer, that's why I'm doing that.............(and she's 29)


K J and the kids said...

oh no. Hey I'm a single mom all of next week.
Lets be strong together :)

Janet's page said...

I don't know if i can today is kicking my butt!! right now all 3 are screaming!!!!!!!!! and i have all of next week to go!!!!!!!!!!!

Here comes the T.V.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck to you K!