Like our mega awesome flashlight or my personal favorite CHARIS!!!!!!!!
We had the opportunity to go camping with people from our church but just for an overnighter.. What a perfect way to see how awesome Ari will be we thought..........
While other peoples children 2 and 3 years of age were falling asleep on peoples lap that weren't even their parents no less!! mine......not so much, busy EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!all over the 55 acres that were to be had!! non stop, going like the energizer bunny, eating everything, dropping everything that was to be eaten in the sand and picking it up to eat it. Eating the sand, eating the dirt,eating and throwing rocks, climbing on EVERYTHING, trying to drink everyone's everything and did i mention we have only been going to this church for o maybe 3months!!!!!!!
I will say the little bugger was happy the ENTIRE time and didn't cry all night but did sleep and toss and turn and toss and turn and roll here and roll there........
you get my drift
The property was BEAUTIFUL and i loved it, i don't even mind the no bathrooms/showers/electricity part(turns out porto's don't smell bad when they are brand new not used yet)as long as children are older and we have chairs to sit in and ya know a FLASHLIGHT to see in the dark to the portajon!!!
We will try again sometime this year at a campground with all the necessary equipment and my sister's pop up camper:)
The real awesome part(for me) i put on my new pedometer on Friday at about 11am and by the time i went to bed around 9:30ish i had walked almost
The awesome view from our "campsite"
and to the left
I have 5 just like him. GOOD HELL !
It's exhausting right ? but fun. but exhausting right ?
Glad you had a good time with mother nature. now go clean her out of the mouth of that little boy :)
ya chris says to me at one point "i thought camping was suppost to be relaxing" to which i say..."it's not, nope not relaxing, stressful, very stressful" all said with gritted teeth while getting rocks and leaves and dirt out of a child's mouth while moving him AWAY from the fire!!!!
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