First off gotta drop of Isaac and dad and Ari at school for field day while i take The miss to her 4 yr wcc. and it turns out she does need 2 shots and didn't give any Motrin and forgot THE blanket..real nice, then off to freeze our butts of for 2.5hrs for field day where i only got to watch Isaac do one thing bc then i was off trying to keep a baby happy when all he wanted was to go home and take a nap.......Missed it all:( Then home for a partial nap(he's sick and not napping well)and then off to the Dr.s for the little guy to ck those ears he keeps tugging at, just filled with fluid but the awesome dr. wrote us a script for "just in case something changes" and he gets worse we'll have it....I love when they do that, to date i have yet to actually fill one when they do it...
Oh and did i mention that with me being over by a truck sick that i haven't been sleeping well at all.......
Oh well, here are some pics of the only event i was able to watch......
Side note, don't have little boys do a jump roping competition when the ropes are way to long and said boys have yet to do it well at home.........
I'm so sorry ! Being sick SUCKS !
I hope you start feeling better soon.
Field day. I had forgotten about Field days.
I never remember parents being invited ?
Oh yes, i remember my mom coming to mine a few times..... we also get to bring food because there is an after field day lunch:)
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