I once knew a girl a really little girl with beautiful long hair...........................She begged and begged and begged her mama to cut it all off.........................................................................Her mama made her wait a few week to really make sure and yup cut it please like my cousin Jona........................................Mama cut really little girls hair and when done told her to go look in the mirror..................................
Mama i don't know that girl in the mirror she looks like a different girl, i don't like my hair short, i don't want it like this anymore the little girl says.........
Sometimes it takes a little time to get used to mama says, it's very pretty.............
New barbie Rapunzel well she needed to have her hair cut too..............Now little girl is ok and happy.............................................
Mama is so sad little little girl looks to old and grown up :-(

She looks darling.
Syd too has expressed the want to cut her hair.
She does this after a rough go at brushing in the morning of course so I haven't let her have her way yet.
One day though. one day.
This would be her 2nd cut from long to short. By far the shortest so far. I cut her hair 4x in her first year!! I love having my own doll and it grows so quickly!
Take the plunge, it's worth it:)
she is sooooo pretty!!!!
Thanks Sandra, we think so too
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