That was fun and then Sunday we did the oh so fun swap a baby for 2 big kids after church and had a nice quite afternoon and then i went for my weekly walk with the girls.LOVE IT. Today i found out that someone(norah) was messing with my alarm clock on Sunday bc i woke up at 7:33(i was up at 5:45 w/baby) I am suppose to be up at 7 to give a baby a bottle then breakfast then at 7:30 get the other 2(the miss is usually up by this time) up for breakfast to be out the door at 8:15 for school. SUCKED i have to say but we still got him there on time, i can't believe it. That just proves how incredibly awesome i am really!;) Here are some pic's that the 2 big kids took the past few days, man o man i my kitchen TRASHED for the lovely picture.
Practicing kitty torture!!!
How far will they stretch Norah?
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