Hello, it would seem that we have run head first into teething this week. Naps for Ari have gone from 1.5-2hrs to 50min at the most and then last night he had me up 3times! That has not happened for over 3months now, and then today after his last bottle (which he is also not eating like usual) i gave him a teething tablet and w/in 3min his mood improved and then at his last diaper change...there it was the tell tale sign(for us) a small diaper rash starting.....Norah would get a cold and a diaper rash with every tooth and boy did it suck. Seems Ari is going to follow in big sisters footsteps, lets just pray that he leaves out the cold part. Yeah us!! Here are some pictures from last night and today.

He sure does love bath time

Had to get a photo of his hair, little man has a small blond fro

Cousin Jaden entertaining all this morning

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