I can't even hardly get into this last week, it went well surprisingly but was sooooooooooooooooooooo(could go forever) long..
Oh the one thing i do want to mention, at Isaac's soccer practice this week the fun first thing that went wrong is that the miss approaches me on the playground(i brought food to try to distract the little man into staying in 1 spot) and she's crying about needing the bathroom, ok i tell her go on it's right down there...I want you to come with she says, ok I'll start packing up and meet you there sweetie.. At this point i notice that no only is she crying she's drooling too... WTHeck.... MOM she says I'm gonna throw up............and there she blows all over the ground where yes there is about 10 parents and more than that many kids, all over her dress, shoes i see carrots coming out (from lunch and she told me she wasn't gonna eat those carrots) Ummmmm well don't we look nice. Apparently she spun a little bit to long on the spinnie thingie ma jig(not merry-go-round but like it) SO um lets clean you up and move on over here ;-)
We go down to meet up with Isaac for the end of practice and the shirts are there. I start looking at them and a mom buts in "Um the kids have already picked out there jerseys" ok great i say... Isaac comes up to get some water.
Hey Isaac which shirt is yours" he shrugs I don't know" Ok so i start looking at them again well the one that should fit him the 10/12 is going to be to small but the 14/16 is so big, but wait there is a shirt over here that looks about perfect. I grab it and tell the coach were all set and we go ACROSS the field to start loading up on our bikes and at one point i hear a lady shrieking on the field (there are about 6-7 teams practicing when our team is) So i don't make much of it until i go to get on my bike and look up, previous said lady is BAM in my face "YOU TOOK MY SONS SHIRT" she says, um i didn't take anybody's shirt......The coach set a shirt aside for my son cuz he's the biggest kid on the team..... ok the one you are holding will probably fit him I'm thinking but whatever. I pull out the shirt i have and hold it up..um it will be a tight fit again I'm just thinking. Then i say " wait a minute was that YOU shriking at me awhile ago??" YES they said you took his shirt......I look at her and tell her REALLY it's not a big deal, we can switch shirts.......
SERIOUSLY people!!!! What the heck. it's not like it's a long soccer season they have like 8 games and they don't have there names on the back.....
So i decide to call the coach when i get home just to apologize to him and let him know that i didn't mean to TAKE anybody's shirt... He calls me back about 30min later and needless to say he's familiar with this woman, unfortunately he had his mean son last year and she's a tad bit CRAZY!!
So that was Tuesday and now it's Sunday and i really don't know all that happened in between but it was long..........

stuck between the slider and the wicker:)

Went in the sun room to let dogs out, turned around and saw a Mar's in a box, silly cat!