Hi, I've got a sec before i want to do some outside stuff and thought I'd hop on here a minute. How are ya? Were good, busy but good. On friday Chrs and i went to Forest Hills Eastern's football game with the 2 big kids to watch spencer play(finally playing again)we had a really good time, the team on the other hand not so good. Saturday was a normal sunny day and we went to gamestop so that Isaac could use his giftcard he got from nanna. The kid did awesome, he got 4 games and was only short something like .41(the card was for 25.) Good job Isaac. I got to spend the afternoon watching my friend Andrea try on wedding dresses and that was so much fun!!!!!! I even think we found one,I teared up when i saw her in it(i don't know motherhood has made me a sappy wreck)anyway she has all sorts of time to decide for sure.Yesterday was church as usual every other i have to serve so I played with a bunch of almost 2yr olds for the 11am service.Papa took the wee man so that Chrs could actually pay attention for the sevice. The last time we tried little man in the infant room and while he made it the entire service i don't think it was easy on him or the staff(they gave me pacifier on pick up and i said um that's not mine. to which they reply um we got it out of your bag...... Well i have to assume it's from the hospital since i don't use them i forgot it was even in the bag...They really had to look for it. I took that to mean he Isn't quite ready but i will be trying again soon i want to enjoy a service too sometime soon. When we picked up the little guy papa was nice enough to take to 2 big kids for the afternoon so we got to swap and have a somewhat quiet afternoon and then i went to meet Andrea and Laura for our weekly walk(which i love, i love those girls) and got home at about bedtime and then i got to see another of my favorite shows!!!!! I love that they are all back this fall, i have so missed my shows, heck some i even forgot about. A few pictures from the past few............................................

He thought this was too much fun!!!!
Oh and i almost forgot Ari had his 6month wcc and he is doing awesome @ 20# and something like 28inches long....way to grow buddy.Norah also had her 3rd set of shots and while she did cry out LOUDLY, she was very scared this time, She did awesome and didn't shed a single tear! I think getting brothers last laffy taffy was all the motivation she needed to get over it quickly!!